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Updated: Dec 23, 2021


Author: Sanja Korlaet BSc, BL Archaeology and Ancient History


The term Remote Viewing was introduced by the physicists Targ and Puthoff in 1974 while working at the Stanford Research Institute International (Schwartz 2007; Brown 2007). The US government funded some of the early research as they were concerned about its usage in espionage. They were not interested in the science of the phenomenon, but only if it could be used as a spying technique (Brown, 2006). The US military developed the Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) protocol that is now in use by other private groups who have taken it to the next level. There are two most prominent US-based research groups: The Farsight Institute, established in 1996 and maintained by the scientist, researcher and author Cortney Brown with a PhD in physics and the CRV group established by Stephen Schwartz, an academic, researcher and author who has been researching the science of consciousness for the last 40 years. Interestingly, the subject has also found its way into tertiary education, at Energy Medicine University at Sausalito, California, USA, which offers a course in CRV for those who are seriously interested in the subject.

The subject of RV has been researched in depth over the last 40 years. Throughout this time, more than 200 studies have been conducted using over 6000 participants, utilising three types of protocols. The accumulated statistical evidence that came out of the research should be enough for the acceptance of the RV as a real phenomenon (Brown 2006). The research data also suggests that the human mind has non-local and non-physical, quantum-like properties (Brown 2006; Schwartz 2014).

What is Remote Viewing and How Does it Work?

Remote viewing is an ability to access the non-local awareness, the aspect of our consciousness that seems to operate outside the time-space boundaries of reality (Schwartz 2007). It is an anomaly that breaks the physical laws of the three-dimensional universe as it transcends time and space (Brown, 2006). RV is teaching us that physical reality exists in ways we cannot directly observe, and that time is an artefact of human perception (Brown 2006).

If we imagine a statistical graph, the ability to execute RV is spread around the population in sort of a bell curve. This means that a smaller number of people are talented and really good at this; the other end has people that just cannot reach this state, while the majority sits in the middle (Schwartz 2007). While it works on a physical level, RV also supports the view that humans possess a non-physical aspect (Brown 2006).

The phenomenon is not electromagnetic in nature; this was proven by the so-called ‘Deep Quest’ experiments that used a submarine that took renowned remote viewers under the sea who were still able to see their targets correctly (Schwartz 2007). It is known that liquid water exhibits a broad absorption spectrum in the microwave region, effectively blocking EM radiation in this spectrum. Since the experiment underwater worked, this has ruled out the EMF as a carrier of the phenomenon. Both Schwartz (2007) and Brown (2006) agree that the nature of the phenomenon could be explained by quantum entanglement due to its non-locality. RV behaves like a quantum phenomenon; it is observed and experienced at the macro level, but it behaves like a phenomenon observed on the quantum level where the act of observation seems to interact with the outcome of physical reality (Brown 2006). In entanglement, two particles are entangled no matter how far they are from each other and the state of one will affect the state of the other. It appears that this process is working inside the human mind that can entangle a whole place, not just a particle (Brown 2006). As we RV a target, quantum particles in the brain entangle with quantum particles in the target site, effectively entangling the place in the target. It seems that quantum level inputs are fed into the brain of the remote viewer via the physical/subspace interface. But what is this interface? Brown (2006) is of opinion that RV is possible because humans possess the non-physical subspace aspect or a soul. If a soul is responsible for the phenomenon, what and where is it?

The Tibetan religion holds that the immortal soul occupies and animates the flesh body. The flesh body is surrounded by the etheric layer that follows the contours of a body, which is surrounded by the auric sheath of an egg-shaped shell that shows various colours dependent upon the spiritual level of the owner, which is finally covered by auric skin of ovoid shape that completely encases the human body (Rampa, 1977).

Today’s science is catching up with traditional knowledge. Dr Beverly Rubic, with PhD in Biophysics, is a leading scientist in the field of human bio-field. Using scientific methods, she has measured the bio-field that consists of low intensity magnetic, electric and electromagnetic fields (Rubic 2017). Only one component of this bio-field has been measured, the layer of biophotons. Consisting of weak light emitted by the body itself, it forms the outer membrane that can be measured and investigated using photon detecting instruments (Rubic 2015). It is not visible to the naked eye, unless you are gifted with the ability or taught by an eastern initiate. The bio-field could be related to one of the aura layers, known in Eastern traditions for thousands of years.

Thoughts produce biophotons of different colours which then project from the brain into the biofield as measured by Rubic (2015), traditionally known as aura. The colours of the aura extend from different centres of the body, one of which is the forehead (Rampa 1977& 1956; Rubic 2017). According to the Eastern tradition, the middle area of the forehead holds a ‘third eye’ energy centre, associated with the pineal gland positioned inside a brain, on top of the brain stem. It is an organ associated with intuition that can detect the aura shape and colours (Rampa 1977). Some call the third eye a seat of a soul (Psy-minds 2016-2017). Is this the organ responsible for the quantum entanglement process which enables RV to occur? Is the third eye an interface between physical and non-physical subspace reality?

Biophoton emissions have been recorded under laboratory controls coming out of energy healers from different parts of a body, a forehead been one of these (Rubic 2015). A 106% increase of biophoton emission has been recorded coming out of the energy healer forehead when she intentionally opened her ‘third eye’ (Rubic 2017). Science is only at the beginning of this type of research. But you do not have to understand the mechanisms behind the RV to be able to do it. You just need to follow the methodology that has been proven to work.

Methodology and Terminology

As stated, RV is a type of extra-sensory perception. It is a mental process in which the mind extends the range of its normal five senses through both space and time (Brown 2012). It is a 'controlled shifting in awareness’ by which it is possible to observe and report a location remote in time or space (Brown 2006). For remote viewing to work, it must be conducted ‘blind’ i.e. the viewer must have no knowledge of the nature of the chosen target (Brown 2012). Thus, for any RV experiment, a minimum of two people are needed.

Remote viewing is essentially an information acquisition by which a person switches his /her mind from the surroundings. This is accomplished by foremost entering a state of meditation. Use the simple mind mantras like om to enter the state of stillness of mind. Persons that wish to become proficient remote viewers are required to meditate regularly, once a day, at the set location and time. It is advisable to always use the same location and time; also, the room should be dark and quiet; allocate 15-20 minutes for this state; then, get to the task of perceiving the information.

Remote viewing past and concurrent events have produced statistically significant results that proved its viability as a tool to obtain the information (Brown 2006). To RV past and concurrent events, tasking or determining a target is done prior to conducting the viewing session and after the target event has occurred (Brown 2012). Temporally, for the past time targets, the sequence of events is: Target time, tasking time and then viewing time. For concurrent events, the sequence of events is: tasking time, target and viewing time done concurrently (Brown 2012).

In trying to RV future events, tasking could be done prior to or after the event itself has passed. If tasking is done after the target event, the sequence of events is: viewing time, target time and tasking time. This sequence set-up has been proven to produce greater accuracy, as compared to the traditional set-up where the sequence of events is: Tasking, viewing and target time. The success of the post-event tasking sequence proved the time was not a linear concept but a product of human perception (Brown 2007).

When trying to predict future results of lotteries or bets, the associative RV technique is the method of choice. Invented by Kolodziejzyk (2012), it is used to predict future outcomes of the futures market. In this RV method, targets are assigned to possible future outcomes (Brown 2012). A tasker is a person that decides on the target and their intent makes it a target. Tasker then picks the image (or an object, taste, smell) that represents the target. The target could be an answer to ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question the tasker has proposed and is trying to establish; it could be a place/event that is remotely spatially or temporally distanced from the viewer that they are trying to perceive; it could be a number that will turn up in the next lottery game. For binary choices (yes or no) two pictures are assigned, each one representing one out of two outcomes. Every picture is placed in the envelope with target coordinates and assigned designation written on the envelope. The viewer remote views the target. Essentially, they position themselves in the place/time of the designated target and describe it using all five senses, as if the viewer has moved his consciousness into the target. If the tasker holds the intent that the viewer can perceive the chosen target, the viewer will be able to do so. After the viewing, the perceived target must be checked against the real target to close the session and form the feedback. The feedback should occur after the sessions are evaluated by an analyst, the person that judges the remote viewed data; this could be the tasker or another independent person (Brown, 2012). The associative RV has produced a 60% success rate in trading according to Kolodziejzyk (2012).

My personal road to utilize CRV

Most of us would like to know what the future holds. In 2017 I was trying to win the placement in the bioarchaeology project organised by Institute for Field Research which was to be held in Amarna, Egypt. I was concerned if I would succeed in securing my place and wanted to RV the most important event of my career for that year. So, in this case, I was a tasker and a viewer which is not a good set up of RV sessions, according to any RV methodology (Brown 2006). However, Brown (1996-2019) has been conducting the ongoing Time Cross Monthly Series project in which his remote viewers are loosely aware of the targets. In this project, viewers are remote viewing the following month news worth reporting on social media, on a monthly basis. Brown has been reporting a high level of success of this project since it started. If this, not strictly blind set-up of RV protocol is working I thought, why not give mine a try.

When I did, without any doubt, my RV session produced impressions of Peruvian culture (Figure 1). At the time, I could not understand why I saw the images of Peru. I was soon accepted into the Egyptian bioarchaeology project but, just one month prior to leaving for Egypt the project was cancelled due to several attacks that were occurring on the local policemen. I was left to quickly find and apply for another placement that turned up to be in Peru. The rest is history. I came to Peru that year and again the following year to volunteer on the Cahuachi archaeological project. The luck was on my side and was told of the existence of three-fingered extra-terrestrial mummies that have recently been found in the Palpa-Nasca area of Peru. As predicted by my RV session, I spent months in Peru travelling and researching the reality of ET mummies. Adding to the strangeness, I have seen them with my own eyes as foretold by my daughter’s (Lea Kapiteli) ET contact, who is almost in constant contact with her.

In another RV session, I have undertaken in December 2016, a humanoid praying mantis ET being appeared. It has previously been reported by remote viewers that when viewing a target in which an ET being

is present, that they are able to perceive a viewer, which is not the case with a human subject. Human subjects appearing in the perceived location are not aware of the viewer’s presence. I guess I should have not been surprised when the ET being tilted his head and started observing me! While holding my pen on the drawing of the being, I received a series of impressions, as seen in Figure 2. I jotted them down as they were arriving.

‘The ET being had an exoskeleton, it was hard and cold to touch; the being was moving and turning around as it was not happy that I was present and observing it; the ET being was a military person, on his own, somewhere in a remote desolate area, possibly Arizona desert, but his fellow mantis ET beings were on the Moon, waiting for him to join them. The being was surrounded by some transparent shield, did not need the air to breathe; the barrier was repulsive, some sort of energetic type and I could not touch it. The RV transmission ended abruptly.

What influences the phenomenon?

Meditation is required in order to achieve focused control of the mind and needs to be done prior to each RV session. This is the same focused control that produces the placebo effect; it opens one’s mind to the nonlocal awareness and Remote Viewing. Meditation brings the stillness of the mind in the area of the temporal-parietal part of the brain, between frontal and occipital portions, the one that controls physical orientation in space and holds the sense of ‘self’ (Figure 3). In meditation, the frontal and temporal lobes switch off, dissolving the mind-body connection. The junction between the temporal and parietal portions holds the limbic system that is responsible for emotional and psychological effects to all that we experience. Our memory of events also interacts with the limbic system. Meditation affects the limbic system by relaxing us and leaving us more in control, which allows for more coherent focusing without interference by our memories, emotions, thoughts and psychological responses. An ability to remove memory filters and limbic responses are the keys to successful Remote Viewing (Schwartz 2007).

Feedback is another intrinsic part of a successful RV session. Viewers will do better when they receive feedback after the target and assessment have been done. This may involve showing the images or objects to the viewer he was trying to perceive that represent the target. Destroying or deleting the competitive images that are not presenting the target, prior to the feedback, increases the accuracy of the results.

High solar wind speed affects the quality of remote viewing data (Kolodziejzyk 2012; Schwartz 2007). The solar wind flows from the Sun and consists of magnetised plasma, which causes geomagnetic storms that affect GPS systems and HF radio communications on Earth (NOAA 2019). In effect, it acts on the Earth’s biosphere and its geomagnetic field in which we all exist (Schwartz 2007). It has been observed that the strength of the geomagnetic field affects the person’s ability to remote view accurately (Schwartz 2007). Considering that magnetic, crystal-shaped deposits have been located near the pineal gland as well as in the sinuses of the human spongy bone behind the nose and between the eyes (‘third eye’), it is logical to conclude that the geomagnetic field will influence the nearby organs (Becker & Selden 1985). When the geomagnetic field is quiet and its strength low the remote viewing is successful; on the contrary, when the field is active and strong, the remote viewers will fail (Schwartz 2007). Therefore, in order to increase the accuracy of the RV data, it is advisable to exclude the RV trials conducted when the solar winds are higher than 450km/s (Kolodziejzyk 2012).

Consulting the NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Centre for this purpose prior to the RV trials to make sure the geomagnetic field is stable should increase the accuracy of remote viewed data.

Sideral Time

Sideral day is one rotation of the Earth relative to the stars, not the Sun. The sidereal day is shorter than 24hours, as Earth moves along the ecliptic while it is revolving around its axis. It takes 23h 56min and 4.1 seconds for Earth to rotate once and come to the same point against the sky. It takes approximately another 4 minutes for Earth to reach the same point facing the Sun. It has been observed that if remote viewing is done at 13.50 Local Sideral Time, the RV experiment is five times more likely to succeed as at other times, while if it is done at 18:00 LST, the experiment was least likely to succeed (Schwartz 2007). To obtain LST go to the US Navy site: Plan to do your RV session 30 minutes either side of 13.50 LST, as this is the window that produces the best results.

What it means in a larger picture

RV teaches us the nature of consciousness and defines what it means to be a human in a broader sense. RV is the phenomenon that offers evidence that time is an illusion and that past, present and future exist simultaneously. On top of this, it proves the existence of the non-physical aspect of human consciousness or a soul and therefore teaches us that we are more than our physical bodies. Thousands of RV experiments have proven that this aspect of human life exists and is unrestricted by time-space. The science of bioenergy is slowly emerging, and we will soon be able to define this non-physical part of us that is able to do more than we can perceive within our physical reality.


Becker, R.O. & Selden, G., 1985 The Body Electric, Harper Collins Publishers, New York.

Brown, C., 2012 Remote Viewing the Future with a Tasking Temporal Outbounder, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol.26, No. 1, pp. 81-110.

Brown, C. 2006 Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception, Farsight Press, Atlanta.

Brown, C., 1996-2019 The Farsight Institute, Accessed 25th September 2019.

Kolodziejzyk, G., 2012 Greg Kolodzijevsk’s 13-Year Associative Remote Viewing Experiment Results in The Journal of Parapsychology, 349- 368

NOAA 2019 Space Weather Prediction Centre Accessed 20th Sept, 2019.

Rampa, L., 1977, The Third Eye, Corgi Books, Transworld Publishers, Ltd, London.

Rubic, B., and Jabs, H., 2017 Effects of intention, energy healing, and mind-body states on biophoton emission, in Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 13, no. 2.

Rubic, B., 2015 The Biofield: Bridge Between Mind and Body, in

Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, vol. 11, no. 2, 2015

Schwartz S., 2007 Opening to the infinite: The art and Science of Nonlocal Awareness, Nemoseen Media, Langley, Washington.

Schwartz S., 2014 Through Time and Space: The Evidence for Remote Viewing, on



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