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NAZCA’S MUMMIES | The Reality, Media Coverage and Scientific Proof


Author: Sanja Korlaet BSc, Hons, BL Archaeology and Ancient History


Nothing expands one’s horizons like travelling. There were two main reasons why I was considering travelling to Peru at the start of 2018. I have had completed my Bachelor of Letters in archaeology and ancient history and was eager to join the archaeological dig as a volunteer on one of many ancient sites in Peru. The practical experience is invaluable for a new archaeologist and Peru is abundant in archaeological mysteries.

The other reason was the existence of stories, pictures and videos of mummified remains of the unknown humanoid beings recently found near Nazca. I was fortunate to visit Nazca in 2017 when I was told of the existence of small, allegedly extra-terrestrial (ET) mummified bodies found near town of Palpa in the Nazca valley. I wanted to see them, but my time was short for further investigation into the matter.

Back home and fast tracked to the beginning of 2018, I received a telepathic message that basically said that once in Peru I will be in position to see the small ET mummies with my own eyes. The message arrived through my daughter Lea Kapiteli who has been an ET contactee for the most of her life. The ET entity also said that the discovery was much larger and more important than we could have ever imagined. I decided the time was ripe for traveling and some serious independent investigation. Seeing is believing, they say. I had to see the small ET mummies with my own eyes to decide if they were the real deal. I stopped contemplating and bought the return ticket to Lima, Peru.

The Twisted Reality

In April 2018 I was on the LATAM inbound flight to Lima from where I had to catch the local Cruz del Sur bus to Nazca. I was on my way to join the Italian archaeological project at Cahuachi, led by Dr Orefici. Cahuachi is an ancient mud brick pyramidal complex, situated 20 km west from Nazca, nested near Nazca River and surrounded by the Nazca

ceremonial centre, covering about 150 hectares. Across the river, and in northward direction, the famous Nazca plateau with hundreds of geoglyphs and straight lines is stretching for kilometres that could only be seen from the air. After a 30 minute drive over the rough desert terrain I arrived to the small volunteer camp set up near the ancient complex. I have put the tent up and familiarised myself with the surroundings. The truncated pyramids that caught my curiosity back in 2017 were situated on the nearby hill. They were surrounded by low sandy hills stretching as far as eyes could see, possibly covering yet unknown pyramids waiting to get free of sand. The environment was very arid. There was no running water, electricity or gas on the camp, so we used the nearby trickling river for washing, and local ground water for drinking and toilet flushing. The digging days were long and exhausting and desert environment unforgiving. The afternoon minor sand storms would arrive at the same time every day and would not interrupt the daily routine. I was surprised at the ferocity of sand grains hitting my face at first. To prevent the sand and sun burn, I had to cover my face completely. After two weeks of clearing the top sand, the tops of ancient walls, human and animal bones, pottery and edible plant material were starting to emerge out of the sand. On the 15th day of such back-breaking work, I pulled one of my back muscles which ceased my volunteering days. I was in pain, but now free to pursue my own investigations on the existence of alleged ET mummies.

As soon as I came back to the town of Nazca, I decided to contact the local guide Orlando Flores who originally informed me on the incredible find. I was now told that the mummies were here, back in Nazca, after they were taken to the privately run Inkari Institute in Cusco for the scientific research. A day later, on the 30th of April, he called me and said: ‘We could go to see the mummies today. The local tour guide Juan, who organises and helps with these mummy viewing set-ups, requires 200 Peruvian soles per viewing. Just so you know, the location where the mummies are set for viewing is different every time, to protect the man who is handling them. And we are not taking locals either, as they would recognise this man. He is scared because he thinks that The Peruvian Ministry of Culture would seize the mummies and destroy them as they are the evidence of existence of other non-human intelligences out there. He thinks they would also accuse him of a grave robbery, even he is not a grave robber and that he would finish up in jail for life. Viewing is for foreigners only. By the way, I have heard that he had some form of cancer and that he is now cured.’ I was impatient to see them. ‘That’s great. I cannot wait to see the mummies,’ I replied.

‘But’, he said, ‘No photos are allowed. And we have to wait till evening, to prevent curious locals to see these things.’

I was now worried. How will I prove I saw these remains and who is going to believe me, if I do not have a single photo of them? The night arrived and I was taken to one of the local hotels ground level room. As I entered, to my right I saw the bench where the dry biological entities were carefully laid for a display. I was now starring at the bench with my eyes glued to the incredible site. The thought crossed my mind: ‘Here they are and they actually look very real. It was worth coming to Peru just to see this.’ My attention was pulled away, as I was introduced to the man who was in charge of the mummies. He introduced himself as a doctor as he preferred to stay anonymous and was a local medical doctor, as he explained. He was wearing a laboratory coat and disposable gloves on his hands. The room and the bench the remains were displayed on were very clean.

There were four 60 cm grey humanoid mummies laid on the bench, each one featuring a very long head with large eye sockets, small mouth and nasal openings and three fingers and toes on their extremities. Next to these dried bodies was a large three fingered hand with five phalanges on each finger attached to a short palm approximately 40 cm long in total, with silver metallic rings wrapped around tendons or bones. I have noticed light brown strings sticking out where the hand was severed. As the doctor stepped out for a minute to another room, I quickly decided to touch the strings, to feel the consistency of the tissue. It bended slightly as a result of a slight pressure I was exerting on it, as I expected for a thin, dry tissue.

As he came back to the room, I was informed not to touch anything. It was not what I wanted to hear. ‘May I have a pair of gloves, please?’ I asked. ‘No, you cannot touch anything. That’s the deal’. This was not what I hoped for. I had hoped to be able to examine them, but that was out of limits.

The doctor first drew my attention to the 60 cm small humanoids. They seemed to be in a very good state of preservation. He picked one up and said in Spanish: ‘This one is a female. How do we know this? It’s because using radiography we have found three eggs in her protruding belly. We named her Josefina. If you remove this grey dust, you can also see the scaly skin. For these reasons we think these are bipedal reptiles that lived in the past. The Carbon 14 test has been done by American Gaia organisation and they were found to be around 3,500 years old. She also has a long metallic implant on her chest, you can see it here’ he said as he was pointing to the female mummy chest. ‘Due to presence of metallic implants we have concluded they must have been of an advanced ancient race.’

He pointed to the tip of the finger on one of the mummies that was damaged where the internal brown tissue was visible. ‘Have a look,’ he said, ‘how can this be made of some animal bones? The Peruvian Ministry of Culture have issued a statement regarding these and they said, without actually doing any scientific tests, that these were bodies made up of animal bones, skin and tissue stitched up together. Have a look at this tight skin; have a look at the shape of natural bones of this hand and a curled finger position that curled as the creature died. You can also see a bit of internal tissue on this finger as the tip has been damaged. This is not a hoax.’

I could see all of this. They looked very much like naturally dried bodies, once living. There was no suspicion in my mind of any foul play here, as nothing was pointing to possible artificial construction of these bodies or body parts. These bodies dried, probably naturally in this dry, harsh dessert and became mummies. The whitish grey powder found on all of them was later found to be diatomaceous earth, a substance made of dead unicellular microscopic plants coming from oceans and lakes, containing silicone, magnesium, calcium and other minerals (Zoharstargate TV 2017).

On the bench to the left, a larger mummified grey elongated head caught my eye (Figure 4). It had elongated eye sockets, small nostrils, small mouth opening and no visible auricle (an external ear part). The doctor picked this human size grey head up and pointed to the metal implants it contained: two crescent shaped implants above each ear canal and a triangle embedded between the brows and the nasal bridge. He said: ‘We named this one Mario. He is possibly a hybrid, as he would be as tall as a human, but with elongated head and three fingers and toes, again obviously belonging to some advanced ancient race. His age has been found to be around 1,700 years old. There is much more I could show you, but it is not here with me. There is much more still laying in that tomb. There is a giant head just like this one, but much bigger…,’ he said, gesturing approximately double the size of Mario’s head. Next to Mario’s head was a stone, also found in the tomb, that was unusually heavy for its size, I was informed. Then, the doctor reached for a smaller carton box, opened it, pulled the content out and placed it into the palm of my hand. I was now staring into the small skull that rested in my hand. I was content to finally hold an ancient skull of an unknown creature. I tried to soak up as much detail as I could to be able to draw it later, as no photo was allowed. It was not the first skull I ever held in my hand and it looked very real. A year prior to this trip, I was studying bio-archaeology and had an opportunity to examine and hold the bones of the human skeleton, including many different skulls, adult and juvenile. This very light bare skull had familiar colour and sutures in positions that reminded me of a normal human skull, but all similarity stopped there. I was in awe. The large eye sockets were staring back at me. The round opening in place of a mouth was confusing me. The creature had no jaw or teeth!

‘We think, in order to eat, they had to suck in nutrients in a liquid form,’ the doctor said. Underneath, in the base of the skull, centrally positioned, I could observe a rectangular almost square opening where the skull was once attached to the spine column. In humans, this opening (Foramen Magnum) is oval and positioned off centre. It would appear that I was holding a bare skull of one of the 60cm tall humanoids. When I returned the skull, I asked the Nazcan doctor what he wanted to do with all this.

He said: ‘I really do not want to go to jail. I do not know what to do with all this. Not long ago I was contacted by ETs and I have decided to start showing these incredible remains to whoever wants to see them. I was also sick, I had cancer. ETs told me to go into hyperbaric chamber to get rid of it. I took their advice and I am now feeling fine, but I live in fear. I am scared that The Peruvian Ministry of Culture will find me and accuse me of the grave robbery I haven’t done. I agreed to receive and display these remains to the public. That is all. I am hoping, and all of us who are involved in this find, that The Ministry of Culture issues a statement that these humanoid bodies are just assembled dolls, not a real find. If that happens, I can keep showing them without fearing of being persecuted. They will not persecute me for showing dolls. We could place them into a museum here in Nazca, to be on display for interested tourists.’

I started protesting: ‘But, if they are real, don’t you want the world to know they are not a hoax?’ ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘but at the moment, it just has to be this way in order for this find to reach the world. Not everyone is supporting the truth. There are high power organisations that do not want this information out there and they can be dangerous.’ ‘I know,’ I said while nodding. I told them of my plan to write about what I just saw and learned here that would hopefully reach an interested audience in other countries. ‘But, not in Peru? I don’t want the attention from locals.’ he asked. ‘No, not here, don’t worry,’ I said. I asked for a photo again. He did not want any photos on internet. No matter what I said to ease the doctor’s worries, he would not allow it. After all, I was a stranger they could not trust. I tried to burn the images of the mummies into my memory before leaving. I left hoping to come back some other time for another look.

I was desperate for a proof of what I have just seen. I knew a drawing was admissible in archaeology as an evidence of in situ scene. But the in situ or ‘as it is found’ scene of these artefacts was kept secret, and this was all I had. The next day, I have drawn the biological remains I saw the previous night, but still felt I needed a photo. A picture is worth thousand words, they say. I also hoped to find a Peruvian artefact that would show a being with three fingers and toes, which would suggest that such beings have actually been seen by the ancients who may have lived alongside them at some point in history.

Few days later, I was introduced to Victor Q. a local journalist and UFO researcher. Juan introduced me as an archaeologist who is interested in ET phenomena and in the recently found Nazca’s mummies. Victor knew the Nazcan doctor well and already possessed a photo of the two smaller humanoids named Josefina and Alberto by the researchers and was happy to share it with me. He also knew the grave robber “Mario” (huaquero in local Quechua language) who has found the tomb. Apparently, Victor also knew the location of this tomb but had no intention of revealing it to anyone in order to “protect what still lays in it”. Later on, I learned the location of the tomb was in a cave situated somewhere between the two smaller rivers of the Nazca river tributary.

Victor was also happy to show me the petroglyphs of Chichictara, a site situated 11 kilometres to the north east of town Palpa. The towns of Palpa to the north, Jumana to the south and Nazca to the east, enclose the plateau where the mysterious ancient geoglyphs and long straight lines are located. The climb was very difficult and few times I had to use all four limbs to make sure I do not slip and fall along the steep side of the hill. The hill contained a large number of petroglyphs, but the one he wanted to show me was near the top. The three fingered humanoid, featured in one of the episodes of Ancient Aliens TV show was carved into one of the larger rocks hanging near the cliff edge. Above it there was a curious carving of a dotted string pointing to the sky, suggestive of the creature’s origin. On the adjacent surface of this rock was a petroglyph of a simple star shape, a motive also found on few nearby rocks. Most of the Chichictara petroglyphs belong to the Paracas cultural period between 800 – 200 BCE that precedes the Nazca culture (Fux et al 2009, 361). According to the radiocarbon dating test undertaken by Gaia team and executed by Betta Analytic USA laboratory in May 2017, the age of 60 cm tall humanoid reptiles was found to be around 3,380±30 years old, bringing them to 1400 BCE, and 600 years before the start of Paracas culture. Perhaps, the descendants of these humanoid reptailes lived in later time and have been seen by the ancients that occupied Chichictara site. Therefore, the three fingered humanoid petroglyph of Chichictara could present a 60 cm tall humanoid reptile that once walked among these ancient Paracas people.

Indeed, this is not the only instance of a petroglyph depicting a three fingered humanoid in the area. Some 30 km southeast of Nazca, near the Las Trancas River, an ancient site of Quemazon features large number of petroglyphs that date back to 1000 BCE onwards (Orefici 2012, 66). One of these depicts an anthropomorphic being with three fingers, long feet and very large eyes. The figure has its feet presented in profile and so the number of toes is unknown. A conventional archaeologist such as Orefici (2012, 64) calls this type of image mythical, imaginary or divine, ‘probably an icon of the Ocular Being’ that he sorted into a group of semi-naturalistic petroglyphs of the area.

As already stated, if the age of the 60cm tall humanoid reptiles is 3,400, they died around 1400 BCE and 400 years before the emergence of Quamazon petroglyps. Again, isn’t it possible that descendants of these humanoid reptiles lived in later times and have been seen by the ancients that occupied Quemnmazon site? After all, “there is much more in that tomb that still lays there” and there is a possibility that more members of the same species still await to be uncovered.

Furthermore, the presentations of three fingered beings are also found in the local ancient ceramic paintings. The local pottery shop at Nazca manufactures pottery vessels using the re-discovered ancient technique. Their replicas feature the original ancient shape and images copied from ancient Nazca culture ceramics. One of their replica vases is featuring a stylized three fingered and toed being with large eyes (Figure 9). The presentations of such beings have also been found in the ancient Nazca textile patterns (not shown here). Therefore, if we consider the presence of such an imagery found on different art media belonging to ancient Nazca culture, we have to examine a possibility that such beings co-existed along the ancient Nazca people. Indeed, if we consider that Nazca culture spanned for 900 years, from 200 BCE to 600 -700 AD (Cartwright 2014; Scarre & Fagan 2008) and the age of the humanoid hybrid species was found to be around 1,700 years, then we can temporally place them at around 300 AD and the time of Nazca culture. It follows that ancient Nazca people lived alongside with these intelligent humanoids in the past.

Is it possible that these beings evolved on Earth? Does finding few specimens prove their evolutionary connection to this planet? Have they evolved on some other planet and came here to stay for a while instead? In any case, this is a huge story that has potential to seriously shake our official shallow anthropocentric view of the universe. In order to find out what Peruvians themselves thought of these mummies, I decided to investigate the coverage of the find in Peruvian media.

Peruvian Media Coverage

The investigation of the Peruvian media that covered the discovery revealed somewhat confusing story. The first newspaper to break the story of Nazcan little alien mummies was The Morning Journal of Cusco. The article titled ‘They found it strange that it could be the proof of the alien presence on Earth’ appeared on the 16th of October 2016 and featured a photo of 21 cm grey mummy with elongated head that curiously resembled Spielberg’s ET being from 1982 movie E.T. the Extra Terrestrial. The papers journalist was interviewing a local Nazcan amateur historian Paul Ronceros who preferred not to show his face. Ronceros was a friend of the two Nazcan grave robbers who have discovered the tomb in January 2016 that contained strange remains and stone artefacts. In my communication with Victor Q., I learned that he himself delivered the mummified remains to Ronceros. Ronceros was first in possession of a small 21 cm mummy, but later received a large mummified elongated head, large mummified three fingered hand and few smaller elongated loose heads. All the artefacts were covered in light grey dust, later found to be diatomaceous earth, a protective layer. In his video dated 22nd of December 2016, Ronceros declared that all the pieces he possessed were real ancient biological remains. On the 24th of April 2017, the article titled ‘They discovered assembled pieces made of human remains in Nazca’ appeared in Expreso magazine. Here, Ronceros implicitly stated that the pieces he possessed were ancient remains composed of human and animal bones and skin and not of extra-terrestrial origin as they may appear to be. He was of the opinion that the pre - Inca ancestors must have created these assembled creatures to emulate what they have seen in real life and therefore the find had a historical significance.

In the documentary titled ‘The Voyages to the Other Dimensions’ aired on the 1st of May 2017, Ronceros tells how he delivered the mummified remains in his possession to The Peruvian Ministry of Culture for a check. According to Ronceros, the specialists would not even take the remains he was bringing over, until he “convinced” them that they were not real beings, but mummified assembled specimens. On the 24th of May 2017, the Expreso magazine published an update on the story titled ‘Determine which figures found in Nazca were assembled'. This time we read that forensics of Chalaco district reviewed two 20 cm long humanoids, 25 cm long skull, 30 cm long arm and the 25 cm three fingered hand, all supplied by Ronceros. According to these specialists, the alleged small mummies’ skin was made of stretched muscle tissue mixed with amberlite (a modern adsorbing resin). They also found an animal fur and concluded that all remains were compiled by joining human bones with animal remains. I was particularly interested to find out what Peruvian Ministry of Culture, the main governmental body in charge of the cultural heritage had to say on the find. In the national Peru21 newspaper, the article dated 27th June 2017 and titled ‘The Ministry of Culture gives a statement on the alleged “extra-terrestrial” mummy’, the general director for cultural heritage preservation Miss Guerrero stated that ‘After reviewing the mummies, we think it is highly probable that they are not pre-Hispanic, but the product of a modern composure and therefore, they do not belong to the archaeological heritage’ (Peru21 2017). In the same article we read more reserved statement by Mr Jaciento, an expert in charge of the monitoring of archaeological sites of Nazca and Palpa at Ica-Nazca Directorate. Mr Jaciento said: ‘Since the location of the find is unknown at this stage, it was not possible to establish if this site, somewhere between the provinces of Nazca and Palpa is of archaeological nature. Also, it has not been possible to determine if the artefacts or specimens found have the status of the alien evidence or are associated with evidence of archaeological nature.’

I would suggest here that, in general, if any alien remains are ancient and found in depths of the sand, the find would be archaeological in character and would also present an evidence of an unknown (alien) species on Earth in ancient times.

In the same article, we also find that The Peruvian Ministry of Culture was coordinating their effort with the Public Ministry to establish “the veracity of the alleged mummified pieces” and indicated that the investigation of the alleged excavations was in progress by Public Prosecutor’s Office due to “an attack against the archaeological monuments”.

The Peruvian Ministry of Culture’s position on the matter could also be found in the letter from The Ministry to Ronceros, dated June 26th 2017 (Appendix A). Here we read that the specialists of The National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and History of Peru have analysed the organic material that Ronceros recently delivered to them (Vargas, 2017). After examining two of the specimens, the specialists determined that “one of these objects was made up of bone remains of modern animals covered with skin remains and the other was a conglomerate of modern organic material, and therefore they did not belong to the national culture heritage”. The letter was signed by The Ministry of Culture general director for cultural heritage preservation, Miss Guerrero. In another letter titled ‘The Act of Return of the Goods’ dated 28th of June 2017, The Ministry of Culture was stating that they were returning “a modern assembled cranium and a conglomerate made of modern and unknown material,” signed by the same Miss Guerrero (Vargas, 2017). It was obvious that The Ministry of Culture was not serious about doing a proper scientific investigation into these strange remains and their provenance.

The Proof: Two Presentations of Scientific Results

On the other hand, some serious scientific testing has been done on a collection of mummified biological remains that came from the same tomb by a non- governmental group Inkari, led by French archaeologist Thierri Jamin, with the organisation headquarters in Cusco. By the end of January 2017, the group have had obtained a 38 cm mummified biological entity from one of the grave robbers (Mario), as well as several stones carved with unknown signs, also found at the tomb site. Over the course of 2017, the group has obtained a number of mummified biological remains: 3 three fingered hands, dried brain tissue, small grey type loose heads, three 60 cm bipedal reptilian complete entities (a Family with Alberto and Josefina) and the one without the head (Victoria), a 165cm tall humanoid in crouched position of a hybrid type nicknamed Maria, an elongated head of hybrid type nicknamed Mario and a baby of the hybrid size nicknamed Wawita. Their crowd funded project called The Alien Project was completed by March 2017 and the x-rays, CAT Scans, Carbon 14 and DNA test were done by the end of June 2017.

On the 11th of July 2017, The Alien Project team in association with American TV channel Gaia, the Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan and Peruvian journalist Jois Mantilla organised the Press Conference in Lima, Peru called ‘The Alien Project Conference Disclosure’. The purpose of the conference was to present the results of the scientific tests done so far to the world and to attract further interest of the Peruvian and international scientific community. The short conclusion of the Peruvian scientists who have analysed the biological specimens was that the biological material was very old and no evidence of flagrant fraud has been found so far (Instituto Inkari Cusco 2017). Three different types of biological entities have been identified and were presented at the conference:

 The 21 cm humanoid called ‘urpus’, or a human model in Quechua, whose bones looked like they could not have functioned in movement when/if alive. This led Incari group investigators to conclude that ‘urpus’ was probably an assembled specimen (thus the name) and decided not to pursue the further investigation on this one;  The 60 cm tall biological beings, called ‘suqush’ or a reptile in Quechua, a humanoid reptile species that exhibit three fingers and toes, exuberantly elongated head with large eyes, very small mouth and nose, a set of parallel ribs, eggs in gestation and a long metallic implant on the chest in the female (Josefina) and metallic implant in the hip area in the male (Albert). These specimens together with the headless Victoria have been analysed;  The 165 cm tall biological beings with three fingers and toes and elongated head, with large slanted eyes, with no auricles, no naval, a humanoid hybrid species named Jamin Palapanensis to which Maria, Mario and possibly Wawita belong and have been analysed. The scientific results, scans, photos and videos done by The Alien Project scientific team are available on their site. On the 19th of November 2018, an unprecedented historical meeting took place at The Congress of Republic of Peru. The Alien Project team led by Thierri Jamin in collaboration with the congressman Armando Villanueva presented the scientific findings on the nature of the Nasca’s mummies. The analyses of Carbon 14, DNA, histology, computed tomography (CT scanning) and metallic implant tests have been carried out by independent national and international laboratories and results presented to the members of the Congress and press. Dr Martinez, a doctor in genetic forensics presented the Carbon 14 and DNA results, some of which are cited here. The age of Maria humanoid hybrid was found to be 1750±30 years; the age of three fingered large hand was found to be 1200±30 years (the bone sample); and the age of one of the 60 cm tall humanoid reptile being with no head (Victoria) was found to be 791±30 years. Maria’s genome consisted of 30% human and 70% of unknown DNA; three fingered large hand genome showed 97.7% human DNA; and Victoria’s genome showed between 14 and 19.8% human DNA while the rest was of unknown DNA. Peruvian biologist Rioz- Lopez presented his research on the humanoid reptile Josefina. Since she exhibited keratinized scaly skin, three fingers and toes, furcular bone (a wish bone) and hollow bones, while missing mammalian, mucus and sweat glands and had neither auricles nor hair, he concluded that 60 cm humanoid reptile displayed a reptilian biology and held some similarity with dinosaurs that were extinct 65 million years ago. However, her forearm and leg bones had no common ancestor known to science and therefore her evolution as well as her DNA differed from any other species known to Earth, according to the Peruvian biologist. Russian scientist Dr Vladislavovich of the Saint Petersburg University of Medicine presented the Russian team findings on the hybrid Maria, Wawita and humanoid reptile Josefina. Their detailed images of Josefina’s eggs located in her belly have revealed their internal structure, with an embryo inside each of the eggs, a formation of which is very similar to an 8 week old embryo of a human being.

Dr Zalce Benitez, a medical forensics specialist concluded that DNA results of the humanoid reptiles confirmed that they did not have a direct relationship with any animal-type organism known so far. He also stated that Carbon 14 results showed that their taxonomic origin differed from the known terrestrial species already studied and referred by science (Nurea TV 2018). It would appear that The Alien Project latest scientific test results are pushing the evolution of these humanoid species further away from Earth. The Peruvian congressman, who organised the conference, expressed the need for the collaboration with the scientific community of the whole world in order to further expand the investigation of the find. A proposed bill that declares historical and cultural interest in investigating these mummies now waits for the Congress approval. The Press Conference session in Spanish and French was recorded by Nurea TV who made it available for internet audience.

The presentations of Dr Cruz Rioz- Lopez, Dr Zalce Benitez and Dr Vladislavovich have been subtitled in English and could be seen on The Alien Project site. The rock and metal analysis results were not discussed at the meeting as the panel run out of time. The samples of rock and metal were analysed by the Peruvian Ingemmet laboratory and report written by Cristofol, a materials science engineer. Josephina’s metallic implant was found to be 85% copper; metallic implant of Alberto’s hip was found to contain silver and copper; metallic implant of a three-fingered hand consisted of gold, silver and copper and was known as tumbaga alloy. While these implants were consistent with the pre-Colombian period metal objects, the ring shaped metallic implant of the three fingered hand turned out to present an anomaly. It was composed of iron, chromium and carbon blend integrated into an alloy we know as steel. While pre-Columbian cultures of South America did have mastery of metallurgy, the objects containing iron have not been found which means that these cultures did not master the extraction of iron ore and its works (Scarre & Fagan 2008, 490). It would follow that the ring shaped metallic implants of the three fingered hand have been made by the people of an unknown technologically more advanced culture of the South American continent or, judging by the appearance of the mummified bodies found, the people who possibly came from another planet.

In conclusion, the only way through the forest of lies and half-truths is to go straight to the source of the story. I came to Peru to practice archaeological fieldwork. I also came to find out if the small mummies found near Palpa in Nazca valley were a real deal. I saw much more than I expected. There is no doubt in my mind of the Nazca’s mummies’ authenticity. Unfortunately, the official Peruvian governmental body responsible for the national heritage, The Peruvian Ministry of Culture is not seriously investigating the find at this time. On the other hand, a serious scientific investigation was undertaken by The Alien Project team and Peruvian scientists that produced the proof of existence of previously unknown species of intelligent humanoids. The results speak loud and clear on the genuine nature of the find. However, there is still a lot of work ahead as other interested scientists should get on with the task of replicating the tests to confirm the results.

In correspondence with a friend of mine, who was privy to the find and wanted to know what this find meant I said, ‘The ancient people of this area lived along the other unknown, intelligent humanoids who may have originated from another planet. Or, simply: we were never alone.’

Appendix A

A letter from The Peruvian Ministry of Culture to Ronceros, curtesy of Vargas Y.D., 2017 at 1:32min.


Cartwright M., 2014,

Ancient History Encyclopaedia, Accessed 15 August 2018. Expreso, 2017(a), Determinan que figuras halladas en Nazca fueron ‘armadas’. (‘Determine which figures found in Nazca were 'assembled') Accessed 27 August 2018.

Expreso, 2017(b),

Descubren piezas armadas con restos humanos en Nasca. (‘They discovered assembled pieces with human remains in Nasca’). Accessed 27 August 2018.

Fux P., Sauerbier, M., Kersten, T., Lindstaedt, M., and Eisenbeiss H., 2009

Chapter 21 Perspectives and Contrasts: Documentation and Interpretation of the Petroglyphs of Chichictara, Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Image-Based 3D Modeling P. Fux (*) Museum Rietberg Zu¨rich, Gablerstrasse 15, 8002 Zu¨rich, Switzerland e-mail: M. Reindel, G.A. Wagner (eds.), New Technologies for Archaeology, Natural Science in Archaeology, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-87438-6_21, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 359-377 Accessed 3 September 2018.

Instituto Incari Cusco, 2017,

Nurea TV, 2018

Orefici, G., 2012

Petroglifos de Nasca y Palpa. Capitulo 3: Los petroglifos del valle de Las Trancas (Quemazon), 51- 67, Inteligo, Apus Graph Ediciones S.A.C. San Isidro, Lima, Peru. Accessed 13 September 2018.

Peru21, 2017, Ministerio de Cultura se pronuncia sobre supuesta 'momia extraterrestre’. (Ministry of Culture gives a statement on alleged 'extra-terrestrial mummy'.) Accessed 22 August 2018.

Scarre C, & Fagan B., 2008

Chapter 8: Andean States (200 BC-AD 1534) in Ancient Civilizations 3rd ed. rev., 481-505, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. The Alien Project,

Vargas Y.D., 2017

YouTube, JAIME MAUSSAN: NO MODIFIQUE ninguna MOMIA. ¿Atentado vs Patrimonio Cultural de PERÚ? I MOMIAS NASCA. Accessed 21 August 2018., 2017, YouTube, ‘Update Ancient Mummies Discovered in Peru are Reptilian Not of the Earth’.



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